Freaky Eaters | Addicted To Burned Sausages

2016-11-11 26

Bread Addict Joanne goes to a farmers market and tries sausage for the first time. Will she like it? or rather stay vegetarian? Freaky Eaters gets to the heart of the .
Nat longs to be a chef but wont eat anything but burned sausages. She needs help to overcome her food phobias. Follow us on Twitter: .
Debbie has a high fat, high salt unhealthy diet. She needs to change her ways. Freaky Eaters gets to the heart of the nations disordered eating habits.
Crisps addict Kevin lives on 8 packets a day. It is not only effecting his health but also his family, who are tired of his habits. It is time for a change. Freaky Eaters .